
Our team’s unified approach, characterized by a blend of openness, cohesion, and adaptability, owes much to the invaluable guidance we receive from our esteemed consultants. Renowned for their exceptional intellect, academic prowess, and deep insights into the ever-evolving realms of advertising, market dynamics, and consumer behavior, our consultants serve as a cornerstone in keeping us abreast of the latest industry developments.

Their multifaceted role extends beyond mere advisory; they actively engage as partners in every phase of our brand journey. Their acute observations and strategic recommendations enrich our decision-making, setting us apart as a team with a distinctive edge. This distinctive collaborative offering positions us uniquely, amplifying our ability to deliver unparalleled solutions that few other agencies can match.

Dr. Tharaka Wijesundara – Consultant

Dr. T.R. Wijesundara boasts a rich academic pedigree, marked by a diverse array of qualifications. He holds a BBA degree majoring in Marketing from the University of Ruhuna, an MBA specializing in Marketing from the University of Sri J’pura, and an MSc in International Management from the University of Agder, Norway. His pursuit of knowledge led him to attain a PhD from Wuhan University of Technology, PR China, along with a Diploma in International Strategy from the University of Agder, Norway.

Dr. Wijesundara’s scholarly pursuits and research interests span a broad spectrum, focusing notably on Consumer Behavior, Integrated Marketing Communications, and Social Media Marketing. His academic prowess is complemented by his current role as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Greenwich, where he holds a distinguished position within the Department of Digital Marketing and Advertising. His expertise, gleaned from an extensive academic journey and hands-on experience, enriches our team with a nuanced understanding of contemporary marketing landscapes and consumer-centric approaches.

Shyam Dadimuni – Consultant

Shyam emerges as an accomplished Full-Stack developer specializing in cloud-native computing, backed by an impressive track record spanning more than five years. His expertise extends across the spectrum of web and mobile application development, underscoring his proficiency in crafting innovative solutions. Shyam’s contributions have been instrumental in crafting the architectural foundations of medium to large-scale projects, showcasing a mastery that transcends both front-end and back-end development realms.

His academic foundation is equally robust, having earned a Bachelor’s degree from the esteemed University of Sri Jayewardenpura, Sri Lanka. Further enriching his academic repertoire, Shyam holds a Master of Science in Mathematics from Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada. This unique blend of academic prowess and hands-on experience equips him with a holistic understanding, enabling him to spearhead complex technical endeavors with finesse and ingenuity.