At NORD, we specialize in Below-the-Line (BTL) Advertising, an approach that focuses on targeted, personalized, and highly engaging campaigns that directly connect with your audience. Our BTL Advertising services are designed to create impactful brand experiences and drive meaningful interactions beyond traditional mass media.

  1. Experiential Marketing: We believe in creating memorable experiences. Our experiential marketing strategies immerse consumers in your brand through events, activations, product demonstrations, and interactive experiences that leave a lasting impression.
  2. Promotions and Activations: Engage your audience directly with targeted promotions and activations. From in-store promotions to guerrilla marketing tactics, we design and execute campaigns that spark immediate interest and drive conversions.
  3. Point-of-Sale (POS) Marketing: Influence purchasing decisions at the point of sale. Our POS marketing strategies include eye-catching displays, signage, and promotional materials strategically placed in retail environments to increase product visibility and encourage sales.
  4. Direct Marketing: Get personal with your audience through direct marketing initiatives. We craft targeted direct mail, email marketing, SMS campaigns, and personalized communication strategies that resonate with individual consumers, fostering a stronger brand connection.
  5. Sponsorships and Partnerships: Strategic sponsorships and partnerships can amplify brand visibility. We identify and negotiate partnerships and sponsorships with relevant events, organizations, or influencers that align with your brand values and target audience.
  6. Sampling and Product Trials: Allow consumers to experience your product firsthand. We design sampling campaigns and product trials that enable potential customers to try your offerings, boosting confidence and driving conversions.
  7. Community Engagement: Connect with communities and build brand loyalty. Our community engagement initiatives involve CSR activities, local events, and initiatives that foster a positive brand image within specific communities or demographics.
  8. Measurement and Analytics: We track and measure the effectiveness of BTL campaigns. Through detailed analytics and performance metrics, we provide insights into engagement, conversions, and ROI, allowing for continual campaign optimization.